One thing off our IceMilk Aprons “To Do” list was completed this week with a very special meeting of Ms. Martha Stewart herself.
Martha was in Atlanta for a special book signing of her two delightful (and handy) books Cooking School and Cookies, and also doing a special segment for her March 5th show at the wonderful Georgia Aquarium, the largest aquarium in the world.
There were many, many wonderful folks whom I met while waiting in line sporting my IceMilk Apron, as they served glasses of milk & cookies from the book to the crowd in true Martha fashion.
While there are so many wonderful things I can say, I will keep it to two. Firstly, Martha was even more lovely than I could have imagined. Simply beautiful, wonderfully sweet and genuine in her time with each guest. Secondly, I was able to give Martha a gift of an IceMilk Apron of her very own – which was such a treat and I am thrilled to say she now has one of her very own.
In my excitement I completely blew my photo opportunity with Martha. Lovely. However this little gem is a photo I took of her after she has signed my Cookie book, with her & another guest, just for you to enjoy!