There are few things that define the south moreso than our food. From biscuits to peanuts to whiskey to okra, we have a diverse palette and a variety of ingredients to keep the tradition alive. This week we’re chatting all about our favorite southern restaurants, and hope you’ll join us at @heirloomed on Twitter on Monday at 9:00 PM est at #southernchat!
#southernchat: southern restaurants (Monday, 1/14/13, 9:00 pm est)
Q1: In the south, we are blessed to have some of the best chefs around. Who are some of your favorite southern chefs?
Q2: There are always a few southern-inspired food trends. What do you predict for 2013?
Q3: What are the best southern restaurants around? Share your local favorite!
Q4: If you could pick just one southern food on the menu, what would it be?
Q5: Besides the food, what other elements help to set the stage for a top-notch southern dining experience?
Giveaway or Giving Back:
This week, instead of a giveaway, we’re giving back with #southernchat. In true southern spirit, and in keeping with the theme this week, I’d love to introduce you to the story of Ryan & Jen, a restaurant concept called Staplehouse, and Team HIDI. There are so many southern chefs and restaurants who have joined together to help, and it is truly inspiring. I hope you’ll take a moment to read their story and see how you can help yourself.
To learn more about #southernchat, to be a guest or host a giveaway, click here to learn more.