
oh suspenders.

So, I teased it in yesterday’s post, but to me suspenders are *no* laughing matter.

To say I’m obsessed is a bit extreme {though, spot on}. I have long adored the throwback style of suspenders, much like the comeback of a proper hat or the blazer, in my opinion suspenders should be holding up the trousers of men, women & children alike for years to come.

A child in suspenders – simply could not be cuter. A guy in suspenders – none more dashing could be found. A lady in suspenders – classic with a fabulous sense of pushing the style envelope towards the j.crew side of life.

I was fortunate that my darling husband and all of his best men agreed to wear them in our wedding {not sure I was budging on this point, but regardless …} and it made me smile the whole day long.

Somehow the most perfect combination of rugged and hard-working, paired with Southern gentleman.

And so, I will start my Fall search for the perfect pair. Perhaps a simple stripe, or a riding-style of leather suspenders might suit my fancy. But, if you’ve found the perfect pair, do share.

image love : kiddo suspenders {via pinterest} / my own wedding images {via heidi at our labor of love}

I’m an old soul based in Atlanta, GA and mom of 3 with a deep love of all things from the past with a story to tell, on a mission to keep heirlooms around for another generation - whether it be a tradition, splattered family recipe, or historic home.

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