
A Family Heirloom Series: Pa’s U.S. Army Shirt

As a part of our Family Heirloom Series, Holly, our marketing coordinator, is sharing the story of her family heirloom: her Pa’s US Army Shirt.

Pa’s U.S. Army Shirt

One of my most meaningful family heirlooms is my Grandfather’s (Pa) button down shirt from his training in the US Army.

After my Granny passed away, we went to Kansas City to help Pa clean out my Dad’s childhood home. While cleaning and purging, I found the shirt in the very back of my dad’s childhood closet. I was so taken by its worn details, missing button, and patch that had our last name on it. Each patch on the shirt is hand-stitched on by someone, though Pa couldn’t remember if he stitched it or not.

Finding the shirt sparked many memories for Pa. Pa’s stories about his training and other current events of that time quickly filled our time packing his house. I think that is one of my favorite things about the family heirlooms we hold near and dear to us; they so quickly and vividly transport us back to another time.

Keeping the Story Alive

After expressing how much I loved the shirt, my Pa lit up and implored I take it. Wearing the shirt and sharing pictures with Pa was his one condition for taking it. This shirt was an extra special one for me to take home and reminds me of my Pa’s service in our military. Better yet, he would tell me on our weekly Sunday calls that he bragged about the pictures to his buddy’s at their local pub.

What was an old, tattered shirt from his early 20’s was a gem to me. I am not only grateful to have Pa’s military shirt hanging in my closet now, but for the memory of finding the shirt together. My hope is to keep his shirt around as an heirloom to one day share with my kids. Having his shirt inspires me to cherish the items in my life that bring joy and memories to pass down as well.

Share Your Family Heirloom

My passion is to share these family heirlooms and their meaning for another generation to enjoy. I love connecting with people through conversations of their own family heirlooms and the meaning they still hold on the current generation and hope to continue sharing these heirlooms and the stories behind them.

If you have a special family heirloom you would like to share with us for a chance to be featured on the blog, reach out to us at info@heirloomedcollection.com. #Heirloomed

heirloomed is a lifestyle brand with a mission of “keeping heirlooms around for another generation.” Our blog features stories about my favorite made-from-scratch recipes, creating traditions with your familyfarmhouse home decor, effortless entertaining by mixing new and vintage pieces, tips on gardening  creating a timeless capsule wardrobe, and small town + historic travel. Our product designs feature a collection of “goods inspired by the past, for generations to enjoy” with an array of apronstable linenshand-poured candles and keepsake gifts. Learn more at www.heirloomedcollection.com

I’m an old soul based in Atlanta, GA and mom of 3 with a deep love of all things from the past with a story to tell, on a mission to keep heirlooms around for another generation - whether it be a tradition, splattered family recipe, or historic home.

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