A fond memory of my childhood, making meringue is a tradition I plan to share with my kids to pass down for another generation.
Making Meringue
I grew up in North Florida, the most wonderful place, but also where the summers are hot and sticky and buggy. Sometimes your most nostalgic memories come from the simple place of scarcity.
Early fall and early spring were the best times for making what could be my all-time favorite dessert – meringue.
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Making Meringue.
- 3 egg whites
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 1/4 tsp cream of tartar
- 1 cup suga
- Using a stand mixer, start with egg whites at room temperature and mix in vanilla, cream of tartar and a dash of salt. Begin beating to a soft peak and gradually add sugar, beating until very stiff peaks form and the sugar is dissolved. The meringue will be glossy.
- Cover your baking sheet with plain ungreased brown paper. Using a 9-inch round cake pan as a guide, draw circles on your paper. Spread meringue evenly over the circles. Using the back of your spoon, begin shaping into shells. The bottom should be about 1/2 inch thick and the sides about 1 3/4 inches high.
- Bake at 275 degrees for about an hour. keeping the over door shut, turn off the heat and let them dry in the oven for at least two hours.
- Goes great paired with fresh fruit. This recipe will make about 8 servings.
heirloomed is a lifestyle brand with a mission of “keeping heirlooms around for another generation.” Our blog features stories about family recipes, creating traditions with your family, interior design and entertaining by mixing new and vintage pieces, classic style, and small town + historic travel. Our shop features a collection of “goods inspired by the past, for generations to enjoy” with an array of products and meaningful gifts including linen aprons, tabletop linens, art, ceramics and beyond. Learn more at www.heirloomedcollection.com.