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Classic Cocktail: Garden Fresh Mint Juleps

  • Author: Holly Parker


Mint Juleps are best known for being the signature drink of the Kentucky Derby. They make the perfect seasonal refreshment.


  • 1 ½ parts Bourbon
  • 2 springs fresh Mint
  • 2 TBSP mint simple syrup
  • Splash of cold water
  • 1 tsp powdered sugar
  • Crushed ice


  1. Pluck the leaves from one spring of mint to fill the bottom of your larger jar. Add mint simple syrup and using a muddler or end of a wooden spoon or rolling pin, muddle together your mint leaves with simple syrup, bourbon and water. Fill your small jar with crushed ice and pour mixture over on top. Sift powdered sugar on top and garnish with remaining spring of mint. Enjoy!