- 2 parts white vinegar / 1 part water
- rather thinly sliced cucumbers w/ skin on
- sliced celery
- cubed small spring onions
- sliced green tomatoes
- sliced + seeded jalapeno
- sliced radish
- onion flower + dill flower + parsley flower
- salt + pepper to taste
- ice cubes
- Gather all ingredients.
- Make a brine by combining the water, vinegar, and salt and bringing them to a boil.
- Pack two clean glass pint jars with the vegetables. Add the rest of the ingredients. Pack the vegetables in tightly – you don’t want them to float when you add the brine.
- Pour the hot brine over the other ingredients. The vegetables should be completely immersed in the brine. Since these refrigerator pickles will not be canned, it is not necessary to leave head space between the surface of the food and the rims of the jars.
- Fasten lids and store in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours before eating.